Local Organizations Move to Lincoln Square


Dubbed the “Mayor of the Mall” during one of May’s What’s in Your Square discussions, Marty Smith, Broker with Ramshaw Real Estate, was commended for his recent and ongoing success acquiring new, exciting tenants at Lincoln Square. While the new tenant buzz is strong, several current Lincoln Square organizations are also expanding and relocating within the space. And the train doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon! Smith is currently working through additional lease proposals and will have further introductions soon.

As of today, we are delighted to announce the following additions to Lincoln Square in Fall 2018:

The I.D.E.A. Store – doubling their retail space and moving into the former Art Mart space, the move will coincide with separation from The CU Schools Foundation and formation of its own, independent nonprofit. The Idea Store will remain at its current location (28 E. Springfield) until renovations are complete this Fall.
For more information on The Idea Store and its mission to provide our community with quality, reusable creative materials, visit their website here.

PASS Program – specializing in USMLE and COMLEX preparation, The PASS Program was created to provide “an environment in which a student felt no shame, no loss of pride, and no humiliation for the academic difficulties that he or she had suffered.” Dr. Francis Ihejirika, MD, Founder and CEO, started the program nearly 20 years ago in Champaign, Illinois. Dr. Francis and his team will be relocating from their current Moreland Blvd location and taking over 12,000 sq ft on the first floor, formerly occupied by Health Alliance Medical Plans. For more information on The PASS Program, please visit their website here.

Elliott Counseling Group – adding to their existing location in Champaign and relocating their Urbana campustown office, Elliott Counseling Group’s nearly 30 therapists will begin seeing clients at Lincoln Square in the Fall. Elliott Counseling Group works with all age groups and offers individuals, couples, and family therapy as well as group therapy. For more information about Elliott Counseling Group and their services, please visit their website here.

RACES – a community non-profit advocacy organization is relocating within Lincoln Square and adding additional space. “The mission of Rape Advocacy, Counseling, & Education Services is to challenge the rape culture and empower victims and survivors of sexual violence through advocacy, counseling, education, crisis intervention, and activism.” For more information or for resources for you or a loved one, visit their website here.

The former retail mall is headed in a new community epicenter direction and we couldn’t be more excited to see who and what else joins the dynamic space in its revival!
Stay tuned for more updates and tenant announcements as they are confirmed.

For questions or comments, please contact Lauren Ramshaw at [email protected].

Employee Spotlight: Jordan Dunahee

Jordan Dunahee, Leasing Agent, has been with Ramshaw Real Estate a little over a year. As a newlywed, new homeowner, and newly licensed Realtor, Jordan was kind enough to spare a few, rare free moments to give us a little more insight into his life outside the company. Thank you for your excellent customer service, attention to detail and follow up. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you; with your passion and knowledge of the real estate industry, we know it will be one of success!

A little more about Jordan:

Before working at Ramshaw Real Estate, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
The most interesting job that I have had before working at Ramshaw was working for the Men’s Basketball team at U of I. It was an awesome experience and I was able to meet some great people and do things I may never have had the chance to do.

What is your favorite part about working for Ramshaw Real Estate?
My favorite thing about working for Ramshaw is the family-like environment. Everyone here looks out for one another and works together to make our company the best that it can be. I have developed close and lasting relationships and they have helped me put a great foot forward in my professional career!

How do you define success?
To me, success is a process as opposed to an end-all. Everyone will achieve or experience things on a different level or with a unique reference point. However, I believe if you work day-in and day-out on leading a meaningful life that positively impacts those around you, that’s really all the success you can ask for.

If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why?
Michael Jordan. He was my childhood hero and I’ve always been inspired by his relentless pursuit of greatness.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?
I would like to see Chris Pratt cast as me. I love what Chris is all about and I think his personality and demeanor on and off the screen are admirable.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Sushi is one of my all-time favorite foods and it has great variety so I don’t think I’d ever get too sick of it!

Motto or personal mantra?
I don’t an exact motto or personal mantra, but I try to always put others before myself because I think that is what life is all about!

Top three life highlights?
Being baptized at my home church at age 10; Graduating from U of I in 2017; Marrying my wife, Lauren, almost a year ago now and starting our lives together!

What TV show or movie are you ashamed to admit you love?
I wouldn’t say that I am ashamed per se, but people seem to think it’s odd that my wife and I love watching Jersey Shore. We were very into the original series and now are watching the reunion episodes. We even went to see DJ Pauly D when he came to Champaign and it was a blast!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I see myself developing my professional career in commercial real estate and hopefully working on additional business ventures such as income properties. I see my wife and I starting our family and maybe having a kiddo or two running around as well!

Employee Spotlight: Todd Salen


Todd Salen, HR and Brokerage Manager,  has been with Ramshaw Real Estate since 2005. When he’s not brokering a home deal or employees health insurance, you can find him playing with his golden retriever, Kelsey, directing a show with CUTC, or posting ‘Today is National _____” to remind us to #MakeEveryDayMatter. Thank you for your years of service and enthusiasm at Ramshaw Real Estate! We look forward to many more!

Here’s a little more about Todd:

Before working at Ramshaw Real Estate, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
I worked for “Stan’s Ice Cream” summer job for 5 years straight. I loaded the ice cream trucks in the morning, sent the workers out for the day, met them at night, and took their money and orders for the next day.

Well now we’re craving ice cream. What was your favorite part of working there?
Unlimited Popsicles, especially the kinds you can never find in the stores like coconut, blue raspberry, banana, etc.

How do you define success?
If my head hits the pillow at night and I can say I made a difference in someone’s life that day.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Play guitar or piano.

What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
It’s not important to win every battle. Let the small ones go but hang on for the big things that matter.

What’s something people might not know or find surprising about you?
I helped set a world record for vertical beer keg stacking with money going to MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association).

What’s your proudest moment at Ramshaw Real Estate?
When I was put on staff, I was originally an independent contractor Broker. When Jerry offered me the position of HR and Brokerage Manager, I knew I was going to be working for a great company doing work I love.

If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?
Lincoln giving the Gettysburg Address

Ramshaw Secures New Agritech Tenant at Trade Centre

March 14, 2018

Ramshaw Real Estate is thrilled to welcome new tenant, Grossman & Associates, to the Trade Centre office building, located on S. Neil Street in Champaign, IL. Grossman & Associates provides “commodity management software systems to agricultural companies throughout North America.” The company was established over 35 years ago and moves to their new location from a previous office space in Savoy, IL. Grossman & Associates signed a 3 year lease for 2,200 square-foot 3rd floor suite overlooking the U of I campus and stadiums. Ramshaw Real Estate is currently remodeling the space to suit the needs of the new occupants; Grossman & Associates is expected to move in April 1,2018.

For more information on Grossman & Associates and their products, please visit their website.
Looking for office or retail space? Click here to view Ramshaw Real Estate’s current listings.

About Ramshaw Real Estate

With 30 years of experience in property management, development, and brokerage, Ramshaw Real Estate is a trusted leader in Central Illinois real estate. Managing 1,500 residential units both on and off the University of Illinois campus and over 600,000 square feet of office and retail space, Ramshaw Real Estate offers local expertise and a highly-trained, responsive property management team. Since 1988, Ramshaw Real Estate’s brokerage staff has represented clients in the buying and selling of over $1 billion in transactions. For more information about our services, please visit Ramshaw.com.