As two individuals with a long history in real estate as well as community behavioral health, Alex Ruggieri and Jerry Ramshaw spent much of 2018 collaborating on several major transactions in excess of $8,000,000 that will change the face of substance abuse and recovery in Champaign/Urbana. Alex explains, “our company has been involved in behavioral health Champaign or Urbana for over 25 years. I had the privilege of serving on the board of the mental health center for 10 years, Jerry Ramshaw served on their board for 10 years, and now Jay Ramshaw continues this legacy of our office’s commitment to behavioral health as a standing board member of Rosecrance.”
In September, the PASS Program, represented by Alex Ruggieri, sold their building on Moreland Blvd to Rosecrance to create a “Center of Recovery” with 32 residential beds and a 12-bed recovery home. Rosecrance’s entrance into Champaign/Urbana involved mergers with Community Elements and Prairie Center, both of whom had real estate throughout town. To consolidate services and focus efforts on their primary mission in treating substance use disorder, Rosecrance, counseled by Jerry Ramshaw, sold two buildings over the course of the year – one on Fox Drive and one on Hill Street.
These three transactions, while very significant at present, will create opportunities and a great impact on the community for many years to come. Jerry, in speaking of the gravity of the new services created in Champaign County, extends “great thanks to Rosecrance for allowing Ramshaw Real Estate to assist in their growth this year” and believes “this is a huge win for all parties and the community.”
In August 2018, the PASS Program moved their operations to Lincoln Square in Urbana with assistance from Marty Smith of Ramshaw Real Estate. After a bit of “musical buildings” throughout the year, it seems all parties have settled into spaces ideally suited for their business models and clients served, with the bonus of great advancement for our community.